7 Things Stopping Your Calorie Deficit

7 Things Stopping Your Caloire Deficit (1).png

The epitome of Weight Loss.

The foundation of all that you need to lose weight.

Martin MacDonald once said:

“Weight Loss is as simple as “Calories In vs Calories Out” but “Calories In vs Calories Out” just isn’t that simple”

And he is right. He is as right as they come. We have all heard the saying to lose weight you just need to eat less and move more but if you have any concept of how hard weight loss can be you will realize that this phrase is just short-sighted and far too simplistic for someone who needs help.

Because eating less is a very difficult thing to do consistently enough when you want to lose weight.

So here are 7 Things Stopping Your Calorie Deficit:

1. Not Eating Protein and Veggies At Every Meal

Oh, golly. The first one is really about eating Vegetables.


But this is hella important.

Protein is a truly wonderful Macro Nutrient for many reasons…but why I am always preaching about why you should have it in your diet is because it fills you up. Your body takes a much longer time to digest protein than any other Macronutrient. This basically means it will keep you fuller for longer [1]. The way in which this works is it helps keep Grehlin at bay. Grehlin is your hunger hormone that tells your brain you want food.

So keeping that happy is a good idea.

As you already know from my Article on your Metabolism that you have read haven’t you? Good. Great. Well as you know Protein has a higher Thermic Effect of Food as well and therefore will burn more calories when it is being digested than other Macronutrients.

I personally would suggest you aim for 2g per kg of bodyweight each day.


That's a lot of protein if you have never tried before, but it will inspire you to start eating more and trying to get it increased. Which is what we want.

Read My Article that has helped 100s of people understand more about their Metabolsm right here: Is Your Metabolism Broken

What about the V-word then? The dreaded Mushroom. Seriously…is there a vegetable worse than a Mushroom?


Vegetables are Calorie Friendly foods. They have far fewer Calories in them than other foods, and therefore you can eat far larger portions of them. Which again keeps you filled up for longer.

For example….

100g of Spinach contains 24kcal

100g of Oven Chips contains 202kcal

100g of Chicken Breast contains 165kcal

So as you can see…you can eat A LOT more Veggies as oppose to anything else at the same quantity.


Let me be clear…I love running and Cardio Exercise. I love lifting weights.

I very rarely get less than 10k steps in a day and I promote walking and cardio work to everyone in The Fitness Collective.

And all my clients follow Strength Training protocol.

However…HIIT has been known to damage your ability to control your Calories. Studies have shown that those who participate in HIIT might burn a few more calories in the session, but they then have a much higher appetite after the exercise session will then consume up to 350kcals more than someone who has followed a traditional Strength Training Programme. You also think that you have worked so hard you are entitled to be more relaxed around your diet. [2, 3]

It can sound so enticing when you hear about the idea of High-Intensity Interval Training. The idea of burning more calories in less time in the Gym. Who wouldn’t want that?

But in truth…let's say you do one 30min HIIT Session. That’s all you will do because of how exhausting it is.

Whereas if you did a Strength Training you might spend an extra 10–15mins in the Gym…but you will end up burning more calories overall for your workout.

Added to this many of the headlines regarding HIIT relate to a comparison against Steady-State Aerobic Exercise eg Running a 5km. [4]

Not a Strength Training Workout.


If you have been looking at my work for a while I would fully hope that you're a true member of team Calorie Deficit.

And by that, you know the only way to create Fat Loss is understanding your Energy Balance.

Calories In vs Calories Out

Now if you are starting your weight loss journey, or have tried in the past I am almost certain your top priority was activity.

  1. Get a Gym Membership

  2. Get a Personal Trainer

  3. What Workouts to do?

  4. Go for a run

etc etc

Your focus was on Calories Out.

If you send the word focus to the other part of the equation so that you begin to address your Calories In…

The Calories Out will take care of themselves.

I’m sure you have heard the old adage…you can’t out-train a bad diet. But the truth is you can’t out out-train a calorie-dense diet.

There is no good or bad…but if you are making the Calories Out your priority and focus…you will find a Calorie Deficit very difficult to create.

I’m not saying don’t exercise. Training is very important for your Health and your global wellbeing…and it will help you burn some calories and improve your body composition so you begin insuring yourself against future fat gain. But you must pour your focus into your Calories In.


You have to trust me here.

Your Calorie Deficit is too big. As in…you are allowing yourself too few calories.

If you have been at this for a while and you see initial results and then they stop you have probably set your Deficit to too low. What then happens is you end up in a cycle. You have a deficit, you maintain that for a few weeks maybe a month, you have seen some good results, but its hard work. You get tired, grumpy, and sick of tracking all foods and you just run out of steam. You then stop thinking about your calories and they start creeping up. You start eyeballing your portions and the calories start sneaking in more and more before you know it…you are no longer in a Deficit.

And all this has happened because your initial experience in the Deficit was far too hard.

By beginning with a smaller Calorie Deficit and allowing yourself to eat more within that Deficit you will find it far less restrictive and far more sustainable.

Yes…the results might not be as fast as you honestly want. But they will last a lot longer and you will still be able to have a night out with the girls.

I call that a Win Win Win.

If you want to find out how to set your Calories in a sustainable way then watch this:


Quick question…

What do you think a decent amount of weight to lose each week is? Say you went to the gym two to three times, started eating a little more nutritiously and made health a little higher on your priority list…

What would you expect to lose each week?

Was your answer 2lbs a week? Maybe 3–4lbs a week?


No, I didn’t read your mind. I just know that you think 1lb a week for weight loss is too slow. Despite the fact that 1lb a week is incredibly realistic, incredibly sustainable, and would signify incredible progress.

By wanting more…you are damaging your chances of success. By wanting it to happen quicker you are damaging your chances of success.

Why the rush? Why the sudden it must happen in 3 months?

You need to take a long hard look at your health and you should want to incorporate it into a part of your life…just like work, finances, socializing and family. It should be part of what makes you up…not what defines you for three months and then not for another 6 years.

Look, it's perfectly OK to be in Year 7 of your 5 Year Plan.

Because really…if you have balance and have found a system that is working, even if it is slower than you initially wanted then what does that matter? Really?

And if you need proof of 1lb a week being normal weight loss…not slow weight loss…then watch this:


I’m not here to tell you to stop socializing. I really am not. Really.

Because you are a human being. And you have friends and family and you have to live your life right? And if I told you to not go out and enjoy your life you would just ignore me anyway…and rightly so.

The issue here really comes when you drink to excess. Although alcohol does pack a punch in terms of caloric value (about 9kcal per gram).

I will always allow my clients to do what the hell they want…but consider this little story of a night out and let me know if it resonates with you:

  1. Night out with alcohol.

  2. Get a kebab on the way home.

  3. Eat toast when home…put kebab under bed

  4. Eat kebab for breakfast because you are hungover.

  5. Lay in bed all day feeling sorry for yourself.

  6. Try to cheer yourself up with a Domino’s (other Pizza is available)

  7. Eat half of that.

  8. Still not moved all day.

  9. Go to sleep

  10. Wake up….eat the rest of your cold pizza

  11. Feel a little better.

  12. Get a text from a friend about going out.

  13. Feel like you need to feel like you have actually done something this weekend.

  14. Meet up with said friend…

  15. Have a drink or five.

  16. Get a kebab on the way home.

  17. Eat toast when home…put kebab under bed,

  18. Eat kebab for breakfast because you are hungover.

  19. Spend all day in bed and get no steps in.

  20. Take about 3–4 days to regain your energy levels from lost sleep and feeling groggy

  21. Finally, get back on track maybe Friday.

  22. Then its the weekend again…

I have done this. If I haven’t done all of this (like a Kebab for Breakfast) but I have definitely noticed the huge drop in discipline, activity and focus after a night out.

When you see Trainers on Instagram piling on the “Weekend Calories” bandwagon…its not because we don’t like fun.

Its because you see it as one night out.

We see the effect it has on everything for the next three to four days.


Here is a conversation I had on Instagram with someone this week. This was someone who is at the moment doing Keto. By her own admission, she knows it is unsustainable due to the extremely low carb intake it requires.

When I asked her what she would then move into this was her response:

Now her suggestions aren’t that far off.

Other than the fact Protein itself doesn’t increase muscle mass. You can’t just eat Protein and magically grow muscles. To magically grow muscles you need anabolic steroids…which I do not recommend.

However, she has a Fat Loss goal. She would prefer to spend time figuring out the new regime of Intermittent Fasting, counting her Carbs and Fats, and then making sure her protein has gone up proportionally as well.

Maybe it is just me…but I read that and thought…BLIMEY. That's a lot of words. A lot of figuring out. When really all she would need to do is operate a system like my Five Awesome Rules For Fat Loss Life and its all taken care of.

This girl has missed the point, and its not her fault. But she has got bogged down on the small things.

Other examples are things like:

  1. Cardio or Weights?

  2. Bike or Treadmill?

  3. BCAAs or Protein Powders?

  4. Keto or Intermittent Fasting?

  5. Macro Splits?

  6. What Vitamins to take?

  7. Normal Potatoes vs Sweet Potatoes

I’m sure you get the point.

You could spend all day thinking about this…and not actually go to the Gym…or move.

Or track your calories.

There's a massive reason most of my message is always about the same few topics…because those are the big things that make the biggest changes.

If you really want to start getting results, and getting them fast…stop worrying about the small stuff that will give you 10% of the result.

And do the Big Stuff that will give you 90% of the result you want.

You will thank me.

Oh and if you want the Five Awesome Rules for Fat Loss Life…its right here:

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Please share this with your friends and anyone else you may know who is worried about training in a gym, and feel free to follow me using the links below…

And if you want to get updates on when I publish new articles, publish new podcasts or anything else then please remember to sign up below

And above all remember this…for as long as you are trying your best no one can ask for more from you.

Coach Adam


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