The Gym Starter - Empowering Your Fitness Journey

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4 Gym Workouts For Beginners  Both  Female and Male

The Gym. That place. With the lights on and lots of people who “know” what they are doing. 

And you just don’t?

Well right now, as you are very much at the beginning of this article, you might not know what to do, and that’s ok.

But by the end of this article. You will feel confident, knowledgeable, and empowered to feel comfortable on the Gym floor and start your journey like the legend you are. 

Read this article….and:

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Continuing on our theme of creating legends - there is a ton of free help in this article - but I also send a lot of help to my friends. And I love getting new friends - I hope you do too.

And lets face it, if you are on my website, reading my article, as far as I am concerned you are already a dear friend to me.

If you would like me to send you some more help, like workouts, calorie calculators and lots of other things - some appropriate, some that are inappropriate (but that’s what being friends is all about right?) then please send me a friend request by filling out the form below.

And once you are finished with this article, you will have a message from me. in your Inbox confirming our new found friendship.

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You have made a stellar choice

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Table of Contents for “4 Gym Workouts for Beginners Both Female and Male”:

  1. Myth Busting Your Fears Of The Gym 

  2. How To Make The Gym “Stick” 

  3. Four Beginners Workouts Both Male and Female

  4. Do’s and Dont’s In The Gym

  5. Conclusion — Are You Ready To Become A Legend?

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4 Gym Workouts for Beginners Both Female and Male

Myth Busting Your Fears Of The Gym — Overcoming Gym Anxiety

Gym Anxiety is caused by four main factors: Feeling uncertain, comparing to others, feeling judged, and feeling like you don’t belong. 

The good news is that if you have ever spoken to a Psychologist or Psychotherapist they will all tell you one thing about feelings: They are temporary and can be worked upon to be improved. I’m not saying there is always a quick fix for your feelings, but knowing that you can work upon them to overcome fears and anxiety is a wholly positive thing. Therefore let's look at the causes of Gym Anxiety and then we can input a couple of strategies to help you 

Fear #1: I Don’t Know What To Do In The Gym (feeling uncertain): Once upon a time in the world, that feeling was true of every human on the planet. Gyms didn’t exist and so no one knew what to do. How humanity got educated on the subject is that they explored. They picked stuff up, they moved their arms and legs in different ways to slowly establish what is now known as “The Human Movement System”

In the Gym, when it comes to exercise you must remember this:

“There is no right or wrong, just exploration” 

— Adam Berry, The Gym Starter

If you still feel a little uncertain remember that hardly anyone in the Gym really knows what they are doing, but they do one thing really well.

They do what they enjoy and just keep repeating that.

And if you keep that at the heart of what you do, you will be just fine.

Another thing you can do is go into the Gym with an Online Coach in your pocket…that way you know you already have your number one cheerleader behind you, you have a plan all laid out, one that you have spoken about, read and learned and now you are prepared. And preparation protects you from failure. This is why in The Fitness Collective all my clients can print all their manuals off, or access them really easily on their smartphone so they know they have the power of the group behind them as they workout. 

You can learn more about The Fitness Collective right here:

Fear #2: I can’t do what everyone else is doing so what's the point? (comparison): 

“Comparison is the thief of joy”

— Theodore Roosevelt

It’s best if you stop comparing yourself to others as soon as possible, although that is easily said, not so easily done. But something that has helped my clients is the following phrase:

“Stop comparing your Chapter 1 to someone else's Chapter 14”

— Jordan Syatt

The gym is full of people. And rightly so, you have as much right to be there as anyone else does. But you have never walked a day in their shoes. You have no idea how long they have been going to the gym, what they do for work or the journey they are on. So stop thinking they are better than you, and you will never be able to catch them up…you aren’t supposed to catch them up. You’re supposed to be working on you, and that will take as long as it takes…and that's okay. 

Fear #3: Everyone is Judging Me (judgment): This is a perfectly reasonable feeling to have and the truth is we have all felt like that. What is important to remember here is that everyone in the Gym is self-obsessed. They aren’t looking at you, they are looking at themselves. 

Think of it like this: how much are you thinking about yourself when you go to a Gym? 

Lots right? Well so is everyone else. Everyone else is thinking about themselves 1000x more than they are you.

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Fear #4: Feeling Like You Don’t Belong: Every new environment is scary. Every new country you go to takes time to adapt to, every new house you move into feels a bit weird to begin with, every new job you start feels awkward at first. 

But you don’t stop at the first sign of difficulty with those things, do you? You keep exposing yourself to it. You know that exposure leads to a feeling of comfort because the more you spend time somewhere the more normal it feels. This might take longer at the Gym than at a new office because you are only there for 1–3 hours a week. So if it has been a month or two, and you still feel like you are getting used to it, that is perfectly normal. You’re doing just fine. 

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4 Gym Workouts for Beginners Both Female and Male

How To Make The Gym Stick And To Remain Consistent In What You Are Doing

Here are some tips and advice on making the Gym Habit stick:

  1. Have A Schedule — you must make sure you know when you are going to work out and have it in your diary. One of the biggest reasons clients work with me one on one is because they knew they had a session booked, and they weren’t prepared to let me down. You need to stop letting yourself down, put your workouts in your diary, and plan your day around them.

  2. Have A Plan Of Action — The most successful Gym goers are working out on a plan. So make sure you have one ready. Get one off of the internet, to begin with, or join The Fitness Collective and get plans galore for your workouts. Knowing what you are doing is going to make you feel more confident in the Gym when you get there. 

  3. Keep A Packed Bag In Your Car — I know it sounds daft. But I have had clients have to cancel on me because they have forgotten their Gym kit. I’m sure you have a busy family life, and I’m sure you have a crazy schedule. So take another barrier away and always be prepared. 

  4. Join A Gym That Is Not Out Of Your Way — This might sound daft. But believe me, the difference between having a gym that is on your way to work compared to in the other direction of your house is huge. My Gym attendance skyrockets when I have a Gym that fits into my commute compared to when I don’t. 

  5. Don’t Rely On Motivation — I’ve spoken about this before so I’ll just leave my YouTube Video on the subject right here for you: 

6. Make What You Do Fun — If you enjoy what you do you are more likely to do it and stick to it. At the heart of everything, enjoyment leads to adherence and adherence leads to consistency.  

4 Gym Workouts for Beginners Both Female and Male

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Four Beginners Workouts For Both Females and Males

There is no reason…no reason at all to split workouts up into female and male unless the female is pregnant and then there needs to be some other considerations. But in terms of Skeletal Muscle, and especially in terms of beginning a workout routine, we don’t need to change the workouts you will be doing based on your sex. But all of the main movement patterns that you will need to work on apply to both sexes. 

But aren’t men stronger? When I write programmes for people that I don’t know I ask them to judge their workout using the RPE Scale. Which is a Scale between 1–10 and looks like this:

This scale is subjective. What one person might find as an RPE of 8, another might find as an RPE of 6. 

Remember, there is no right or wrong, just exploration. 

If you need more information on The RPE Scale then read this article I have written all about Home Workout and how to create your own one!

How Many Days A Week Will You Workout For?

This is completely personal to you. The main factor in deciding this is as a beginner is to do whatever feels the best for you. Do whatever you are enjoying the most, and that is all you should expect from yourself. 

I will make all four workouts for you Full Body so that you can get the most from the time you are spending at the Gym, especially if its all still new to you. 

I would expect these workouts to take between 30–45mins. If they take longer…don't worry about it. That is perfectly fine. There is no right or wrong…just exploration. I’d also love to say at this point that there might be exercises in these workouts that you find hard, difficult, or just too hard. 

That’s ok. 

If you need to substitute things in that work for your body then you can. 

That’s ok.

If you don’t know what some exercises are, then research them.

That’s ok.

There are target reps on each exercise…but if you can’t do 12 reps of the weights you have chosen.

That’s ok. 

Let your RPE dictate what weights you will do as much as possible, and you will learn to balance the two against each other. 

If you still feel lost in the jungle of the Gym Floor, most Gyms and Trainers are willing to give you an introduction. Call beforehand, book yourself in with a professional and just ask the trainer to talk you through your plan. They will be more than willing to do that.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help. At the end of the day that is the sole job of Gym Staff: to make sure you are safe, to make sure you want to continue coming to the Gym, and to help you as much as possible. 

It also shouldn’t cost you. Gym Staff have a duty to help you figure out exercises safely and machines safely in order to make sure you don’t hurt yourself in their venue. If they do ask for money…then drop me a message on Instagram ( and we can arrange a call to chat through everything and what to do in the Gym for you. 

The Workouts

KEY: DB = Dumbbell, KB = KettleBell, BB = Barbell, BW =Bodyweight, Band = Resistance Band

KEY: Super Set = Both exercises with no rest in between, Circuit = All exercises with rest as stated, Tri Set = All exercises with no rest in between


The Full Body Strength Workout requires some Dumbells, some Barbells, and some Machines. It takes you through all three main movement patterns of Legs, Push and Pull and has a great little circuit at the end for you to do. With this workout, you are looking to be quite tired at the end of each set, and make sure you take your rest because the rest will allow you to put more into the next set you are about to do. Grab a weight that you find challenging, that you think will make it tough whilst keeping form and adjust from there. It also uses three different arrangements of your Sets; the traditional 3x12, Super Sets, and a Circuit. 


The Full Body Machine Strength Workout is there for you if you don’t quite have the confidence to pick up some Dumbells and Barbells yet. Just like the Free Weight workout, it will take you through all movements of Push, Pull, Legs, and again, take your rest so you can put in as much effort as possible over a set. Again, set the weights to levels you will find challenging without losing form. 


The Full Body Bands, Balls and Bells workout uses Resistance Bands, Medicine Slam Balls, and Kettlebells. This is all free-standing work and you will need to have a certain element of confidence when it comes to the Squat and Catches. However, to make that easier you can bounce the ball into the wall or just do a Squat and Press (Squat Thruster) with the ball. Again, this workout follows Push, Pull, Legs and includes two circuit arrangements. You need a good playlist for this workout so join me on Spotify here: The Fitness Collective on Spotify


The Full Body Beginners HIIT Workout should take 20–30mins to complete. Unlike the other workouts, as this will require higher loads and slightly quicker tempo you should maybe get slightly lighter weights. But again, exploration is key until you get the balance you are looking for.

If you are unsure about any of the exercises in any of these workouts, then please head to my YouTube Channel ( where a lot of them are explained. Or if I haven’t covered them someone on YouTube will have.

4 Gym Workouts for Beginners Both Female and Male

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Do’s and Dont’s For The Gym

I do not want to scare you into not going to the gym by giving you a whole bunch of rules that you need to remember as well. 

So this is a list about how you will get the most out of what it is you are doing. 

The Gym is your space to explore, but it is a shared space…so just remember its nice to be nice. These aren’t rules about whether you should train topless or not…yes…I have been in Gyms where this happens. Just be nice and courteous and you will do just fine. 

But in truth, there is nothing you can do that will cause the building to burn down…except start a fire.

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Learn to enjoy yourself: This is your top priority, at the Gym. If you can master this everything else will come very easily for you. 

Leave your ego behind: A Gym is a place where you are reminded of your humanity. It’s a fantastic equalizer between humans because everyone is there for one thing…improvement. You are in an environment of self-development…not narcissism. Behave accordingly.

Lift Lighter, rather than heavier: I always encourage people to pick up a weight they can move with confidence, rather than one that is just too big and bulky they can’t even get it off the rack. Erring on the side of caution will give you cause in those moments to improve your form, do more reps and give you a great sense of accomplishment.

Track your numbers: Seeing small changes bit by bit is very hard. That is why tracking your numbers at the Gym is really important. Your Sets, your Reps, your weight lifted, and your RPE. Over three to six months when you look back…you will be amazed at how far you have actually come…even though it might not feel like it. 

Take a “Work In Process Photo” when you start: Every client I have ever trained has said the same thing when their weight loss journey has been a success: “I wish I took a photo 9 months ago”. I understand it can be well out of your comfort zone, but you will be so gutted if you don’t do it, and you throw yourself into working out fully. 

For more information on what a “Work In Process Photo” is and how to take one then read this article that is changing the Fitness Industry’s views on Before and After Pics:

Be open to the idea of a challenge: It is meant to be hard. It is meant to be a challenge and it is meant to work you over. Remember it is called a workout for a very good reason. 

“If your workout feels breezy, it’s too easy” — Adam Berry, The Gym Starter

Trust your instinct and listen to yourself — is Cardio good for weight loss? Well…do you enjoy doing Cardio? If you do…then do that. If a Lunge hurts your knees, then find an alternative that doesn’t…like a Sumo Squat. You are not a slave to your workout. It is very important that you find freedom within the structure. That means if you fancy going a bit off-piste then DO IT! It will help you develop independence and autonomy…and that is really important for your confidence. 


Think it will only take 3 months — give yourself the time you deserve. If you are getting into this with the idea that all your problems will be over in just three months…please rethink your timeline

Restrict yourself with short term goals — although I understand the sentiment of “losing weight for your wedding” or “getting beach ready for Marbella 2021” personally, I don’t think it's very helpful. It can lead you into very narrow paths of focusing just on your aesthetic health, and that can be a very up and down path to tread throughout your process. 

Be disheartened if your workout sucked — we all have a rough workout, where we feel low on energy, low on mood and we are just going through the motions. This is one reason I want you to make sure the weights you are lifting is challenging you…it needs to be the sole focus of what you are doing at that moment in time. This is how working out keeps you in the present…and not thinking about next week's shopping list. If your workout does suck, just chalk it off, give yourself a pat on the back for getting something done and try to understand what happened to make it a bit more rubbish: 

Maybe you had a tough day at work, maybe you had a bad night's sleep last night, maybe you hadn’t eaten something close enough to your workout so you felt a bit low on energy.

Let your environment stop you from achieving — not all Gyms are created equal. They all have different equipment and different machines. But Google is a wonderful thing, and if there is an exercise you cannot do because the equipment isn’t there just type in “[Exercise name] alternative exercise” there will always be another way to solve the puzzle.

Use the mantra “No pain no gain” — if you are in pain, STOP what you are doing. You’re an adult. I am sure you know the difference between a muscle working, and pain in your body. If you are in pain, or something hurts, listen to yourself and find alternatives away from the pain. 

4 Gym Workouts for Beginners Both Female and Male

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At the start of this article, I asked you to let me help you become a legend. 

If you follow this format, your fears and anxiety about going to the gym, not knowing what to do in the Gym should be under control. 

The key message to remember is that the Gym is there for you to explore yourself in. 

There is no right or wrong. 

Just be yourself, focus on doing the work, and allow yourself the time to change. 

Give it two months…and I am sure you will be walking into the Gym like this: 

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And sending me an email saying…

“Adam…I cannot believe what I was scared of in the first place. Thank you so much”

And you will have made my day. Nay my week. 

Good luck, Happy lifting and I can’t wait to see your progress. 

If you want some more guidance and coaching from just £20/month then you can join The Fitness Collective right now.

-Coach Adam

Did You Find This Useful?

I have plenty more articles about Working Out on this website.

Here is a selection I think would make great further reading for you:

  1. How To Do Your First Push Up

  2. How To Plan and Design A Home Workout

  3. I’m Scared Of Going To The Gym For The First Time

Thank you so much for reading my work.

Speak to you again soon

Coach Adam