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How Does Your Menstrual Cycle Affect Your Fitness And Weight Loss?

Over the years, I have worked day in and day out with women in terms of helping them lose weight. Many, many of these clients whether it be online or in-person, have stuck with me for a long time and when you develop relationships like that we got to know each other. 

This gave me plenty of data and analysis, combined with just being in rhythm with these clients to go away and study how the Menstrual Cycle will affect your ability to lift weights, lose weight and do all things fitness. 

It was a topic I was really passionate about developing my knowledge on and learning more about, so I could coach my clients through it that little bit better. However, there was a problem.

Upon researching it some more, it felt like the information out there still didn’t break it down quite well enough. It would talk about how “Exercise can help beat fatigue and improve mood.” which is nothing we didn’t already know, but when it came to distinctly draw the parallels between your Hormonal Changes over a standard 28 Day Cycle and how that will directly affect how you are responding and able to manage this alongside your goal to lose weight…the internet started to fail.

So here it is.

This one-stop-shop article is designed to help you understand how your Menstrual Cycle really can work for you, and against you when it comes to losing weight, how you can manage that to keep adherent to your goals, and the science that dictates the management for you.

What a gift.

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Please Note: I am not a Doctor. I am not a Medical Professional. I am just a Personal Trainer who wants to help you, and these are my findings. At all times I would fully recommend seeking Medical Advice if you have any major concerns about your Cycle. 

As I am being so very generous at this time, it would be awesome if you could say thank you. byway of becoming my friend.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR “How Does your Menstrual Cycle affect your fitness and weight loss?”

  1. Why I have written this article for you

  2. Get To Know Your Menstrual Cycle

  3. The Different Phases of your Cycle: The Follicular Phase

  4. The Different Phases of your Cycle: The Luteal Phase

  5. Let’s Conclude

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Why Have I written this article for you?

For me, it all started with a client and a Podcast. Like a lot of what I do. One of my clients was infuriated at me for not recognizing that she definitely does require more calories on and in the lead up to her Menstruation, compared to the rest of the month.

A feeling I am sure you can relate to.

And although I was wholly understanding of her desires, I didn’t fully understand how much it correlated until I listened to the James Smith Podcast on Female Physiology and how it affects Fat Loss in Female Clients. James, it would appear, had much the same experience as me, and he was generous enough to put his research out there, for us all to learn from.

So what I am about to tell you, is inspired by him, interpreted by me, and backed up by science and the work I have done with female clients for 5 years.

Women are not weaker versions of men.

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As a woman, you have an incredibly intricate Hormonal Profile that acutely impacts what you can and cannot do both in terms of lifting weights, and of course, how to adhere to a diet. You have 4 different profiles every 28-day cycle. 

The only way you will be successful and sustainable in fitness is if you enjoy what you are doing, and ladies, that means working with your body rather than against it. 

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Get To Know Your Menstrual Cycle

So let’s learn to work with your system. 

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Oh and this is an article relating to the way in which your cycle quote “should” unquote be working. I am fully appreciative of different conditions that affect the cycle; PCOS to name one, Menopause as another, or external factors affecting your cycle like the Contraceptive Pill.

These all would require a different article…which I will write…so what I would ask is the following: try to adapt this information to your own circumstances, and if you have any further questions then email me on

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This is Your Cycle:

Let's start with an Info-graphic so you can refer back to this at any time. 

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The Different Phases And Their Effect On Your Fitness and Weight Loss.

The Follicular Phase: Week 1: Day 1 to Day 7: Part 1 of The Follicular Phase

This part of your cycle has a secondary phase inside of it as well which is Menstruation which occurs typically at Day 1 to Day 5 of your cycle.

During this part of your cycle, you may experience cramping and may feel quite uncomfortable, despite the fact you may be wearing pads and/or other sanitary items to help with the bleeding.

During Week 1 your dominant Hormone is Oestrogen, which is a hormone that your body uses for Bone Strength, Regulating your Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy, and maintaining Cholesterol Levels. In a nutshell, it’s useful and is a good thing to be aware of. 

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How is Fitness and Weight Loss Affected Day 1 — Day 5?

Many of my friends who I work with by coaching them online have reported different experiences during this phase and it is totally personal.

But my best advice for this period (no pun intended) is the following:

  • Work on strong and steady Resistance Training

  • Avoid activities like HIIT and Jumping movements if they cause you discomfort 

  • Get plenty of sleep as your body is working hard

  • In terms of Calories, you might be a little more hungry, and a calorie deficit could be hard, so just use trial and error to see how you react

Week 2: Day 6 to Day 14: Part 2 of The Follicular Phase

This is the best time of the 28 days to maximize your results. Both in terms of Calories and your Strength. 

Leading into Day 14 your Testosterone Levels will be increasing which combined with LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and the peak in LH especially is what causes Ovulation on Day 14. 

If you are going to be adherent to a Calorie Deficit now is the time. Your energy will be at its highest, your strength at its strongest, and your ability to stick to it all should be at its greatest. 

How is Fitness and Weight Loss Affected from Day 6 — Day 14?

But my best advice for this part of your Cycle is:

  • Keep working on your Resistance Training — you should be able to target your heaviest lifts in this part of your cycle. 

  • In terms of Calories maximize your caloric deficit if you are trying to lose weight as you will have the most amount of energy to adhere to this. 

  • And Cardio…? Well during this time you will feel rather horny due to the increase in Testosterone and LH. Your body will be signaling to you to get pregnant which makes perfect sense, as your eggs are releasing. So if you want to do Cardio…grab your fella and have a week of fun…just remember to be safe…

Ovulation happens on Day 14. 

And things well…things take a slight turn for the worse in terms of your physiology.

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The Different Phases And Their Effect On Your Fitness and Weight Loss:

The Luteal Phase: Week 3: Day 15 to Day 21: Part 1 of The Luteal Phase

Say hello to Progesterone. The dominant hormone of the next two weeks. 

So whether you are pregnant or not, your body doesn’t wait to confirm this, before it starts preparing you for the growth of a tiny human. Progesterone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy which is why it is such a key player in this phase of your cycle. 

Progesterone is responsible for building your uterine wall, and making sure your uterus is ready to receive a fertilized egg. 

How is Fitness and Weight Loss Effected Day 15 — Day 21?

  • Your body will require an extra 100-300kcal a day — so moving to a Maintenance or Momentum (thanks to Jordan Syatt) Calories each day might be a good idea. I understand that in order to lose weight a Calorie Deficit is needed, but in this phase, understanding your need for more calories and fueling your body as it is working harder will help you manage your hunger and avoid cravings that may lead to overeating if you are trying to restrict too much. 

  • Some women report headaches during this phase, and to combat that I would suggest some light Aerobic Exercise like Running or Rowing. Even regular outdoor walks would be good for you in nature — may I recommend a 10min Guided Walking Meditation…can be found on my Youtube Channel

  • You can continue to Strength Train as well, just be realistic that you might not be able to perform like you did last week 

Week 4: Day 22 to Day 28: Part 2 of The Luteal Phase

This is the part of your cycle where PMS may start to creep in. You may feel a lot more fatigued, and your mood and energy levels may well vary from day-to-day. Your body is literally preparing itself to keep a fertilized egg in the uterus and to allow you to child bear. This takes its toll. As far as your body is aware you are now about to be pregnant. It doesn’t know that you won’t be, and so it takes the necessary steps to make sure that you have the most successful pregnancy possible. This is going to require energy, a redirection of your resources, and is going to have an effect on your performance. Progesterone is still dominant, and it is putting the finishing touches on your uterine wall for the egg. 

During this phase, I regularly have clients tell me that they just are too tired, have too much fatigue, and feel a lot weaker in this phase of their cycle. It’s cool. At this point, I explain to them whats going on, why they feel that way, and make sure I lower their expectations of what to expect in terms of their output, and this way they don’t come away from the Gym feeling more exhausted, deflated and overwhelmed. 

How is Fitness and Weight Loss Effected Day 22 — Day 28?

  • Stick at Maintenance or Momentum Calories for this final week, in order to keep your energy higher and to allow you to not have the extra stress of trying to stay in a Calorie Deficit. 

  • As PMS kicks in, this can come with a multitude of different side effects: Depression, Anxiety, Physical Pain. Studies have shown that PMS can cause Dysphoric Disorder and its very important that you look after yourself if you experience this. Ways of managing this would be to increase calories to maintenance, to exercise in a way that brings you enjoyment, and not displeasure, and to talk to your trainer, or others about how you are feeling. Honesty is always the best policy. 

  • You can continue to Strength Train…but lower your expectations, especially as you move further into this stage, as it will get harder, and you may feel weaker. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking this phase as a time to iron out your technique with lighter loads or to take a De-Load Week altogether.

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Let’s Conclude

If you have read this diligently, I am basically splitting your Nutrition and your Training up into two very deliberate phases:

PHASE 1 — Day 1 to Day 14 

Calorie Deficit, Solid Strength Training with a build into Day 14 for your strongest moments and highest energy in the Gym.

PHASE 2— Day 15 to Day 28

Maintenance/Momentum Calories, and move toward more quality movement, rather than quantity of load or Reps. Expect to feel more tired, so adjust your expectations to meet that. 

Now I’m sure you’re thinking…

“Am I reading this correctly? I only have to be in a Calorie Deficit for two weeks…is that enough will I lose enough weight?”

I want to be talking to a person who is in this for the long run…if you want to lose 2 stone in 6 weeks, this plan is not going to work for you. But if you want to learn how to make Fat Loss, Calorie Adherence and Fitness sustainable and achievable then yes. 

Yes I am saying you need to Calorie Deficit for two weeks. Maintain for two weeks. 

I would much prefer you find adherence for four weeks, over the course of your cycle in this manner, rather than two weeks of a Calorie Deficit, and two weeks of going full-on “Shit Head”(thanks Mike Vacanti). By this, I mean eating way more than you Maintenance Calories and undoing two great weeks of your Calorie Deficit. 

The choice is yours:

4 Weeks of Total Adherence?


4 Weeks of Yoyo-ing over and over again, and never making progress?

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There will be aspects of this article that don’t apply to you right now…but may in the future. There may be parts of this article that mean nothing to you, but they might a friend. There is no one case that is the same. But its here, as a gift from me to you, to help you understand why and what is going on when things sometimes just feel impossible. 

If you have any questions…please put them below or reach out to me by becoming my friend.

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Did you find this useful?

I have plenty more articles about weight loss for females throughout this website.

Here is a selection I think would make great further reading for you:

  1. How To Actually Lose Weight with PCOS

  2. Is Your Metabolism Broken? How Does Your Metabolism Actually Work?

  3. Why Am I So Scared To Go To The Gym?

Thank you for being here - and if you want to become my friend now you have finished the article - my offer still stands….

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  1. Aaptiv. (2020). Here’s How Your Period May Affect Your Workouts — Aaptiv. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Mar. 2020].

  2. Smith, J. (2020). #6 Fat Loss For Females. [podcast] The James Smith Podcast. Available at: [Accessed 1 Mar. 2020].

  3. 2020. Oestrogen. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 March 2020].

  4. HealthyWomen. 2020. Progesterone | Healthywomen. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 March 2020].

  5. Indusekhar R, e., 2020. Psychological Aspects Of Premenstrual Syndrome. — Pubmed — NCBI. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 March 2020].